Wednesday, February 19, 2025

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Video Shows World’s Oldest Bird Laying 60th Egg

The oldest known bird in the world, Wisdom, a Laysan albatross, laid an egg at approximately 74 years old at the Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge. This is the first egg Wisdom has laid in four years, and researchers estimate she has laid between 50 and 60 eggs in her lifetime. The father of the egg appears to be content and is diligently incubating the egg. Wisdom was first found and banded in 1956, and has raised 30 chicks in her life. She has mated consistently with an albatross named Akeakamai, who has not been seen for several years. Laysan albatrosses are not known to breed before they are five years old, and the species’ average lifespan is around 68 years. Jonathan Plissner, supervisory wildlife biologist at the refuge, called this event a “special joy” and is optimistic that the egg will hatch. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Pacific Region shared this news on Facebook, highlighting the incredible feat of Wisdom becoming a mother once again at an advanced age.

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