The highly anticipated premiere of Disney Animation’s “Moana 2” took place in Kapolei, with actors Auli’i Cravalho and Dwayne Johnson speaking about their connection to the film and its cultural significance. Cravalho, a Native Hawaiian actor, emphasized the celebration of Pan Pacific, Pan Polynesian culture in the sequel, which sees wayfinder Moana embarking on a new journey to break a curse. Directed by David Derrick Jr., Jason Hand, and Dana Ledoux Miller, the film is expected to bring in $145 million over the Thanksgiving weekend according to Nielsen’s National Research Group.
The sequel also introduces the songwriting duo Abigail Barlow and Emily Bear, known for their work on TikTok and winning a Grammy Award. They aimed to add their own flair to the music while paying homage to the original film’s sound. The directors highlighted the importance of incorporating Pacific Islander culture into the sequel and creating a relatable heroine in Moana.
Following the success of Disney’s “Inside Out 2,” which grossed over $1 billion in record time, “Moana 2” is expected to continue the trend of box office success. The first “Moana” earned $81.1 million over the Thanksgiving holiday period in 2016, and the sequel is set to build on that success with a blend of familiarity and new adventures. For the creators and cast, the film is both a professional and personal endeavor, reflecting growth and community in the context of a beloved character and culture.
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