Several sightings of North Atlantic right whales and their calves were reported off the coast of Georgia and Florida in the winter of 2023-2024. The whales were identified by their unique catalog numbers, such as Swerve, Butterfly, Skittle, and Wolf, and ranged in age from 18 to 37 years old. The sightings were made by teams from the Clearwater Marine Aquarium Research Institute and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, operating under NOAA permits. The aerial surveys were funded by various organizations including the Army Corps of Engineers, Coast Guard, Navy, NOAA Fisheries, and the Georgia Department of Natural Resources. The data collected will help researchers track the population and behavior of these endangered whales, with some individuals being seen with their calves for the first time. One calf, unfortunately, was not expected to survive. Through continued monitoring and conservation efforts, scientists aim to protect these magnificent creatures and ensure their survival for future generations.
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